
About i³-opera

Be one of a kind. Make your dreams come true with organic photonics and electronics.

i³-opera contributes to innovations through applied and practical research and strives to meet global market demand by offering solutions to customers.


industry, international, incubation

Liaison between academia and industry

i³-opera is an innovation hub where the fruits of basic science are put to sustainable use.

Value proposition for global market

We provide a research platform utilizing our unique competencies in organic photonics and electronics to satisfy the market demand.

i³-opera specialty

We offer OLED solutions through self-completion of a series of steps in-house, such as substrate preparation, test fabrication, film characterization, lifetime measurement, and physical analysis. We maintain strict confidentiality for each customer.

  • Versatile instruments for characterization and analysis.

  • High-quality skills and techniques to produce prototypes according to our customers’ demands.

  • Information security to protect our customers’ confidentiality.

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i³-opera competencies

  • Cleanliness Investigation of the effect of killer impurities on OLED lifetime

    We focus on the vacuum chamber’s cleanliness and the purity of organic compounds to identify the effect of killer impurities on OLED lifetime. The outcomes are useful and adoptable for production management.

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  • Reliability Process technologies for reproducible OLED performance

    Our specialized technologies ensure highly stable run-to-run device performance. Our customers can rely on the accuracy and reproducibility of the evaluation data.

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  • Quality High-performance reference OLEDs

    We utilize state-of-the-art OLED architectures for evaluation. The high-performance evaluation data are a powerful marketing tool for our customers; e.g., materials vendors who want to convince their clients of the quality of their materials.


i³-opera is an ecosystem leader shaping the future of organic photonics and electronics.

  • i³-opera plays an indispensable role as a liaison between basic research at OPERA, Kyushu University, and practical applications in the industry. Working closely with research institutes and startup companies in the campus area, we continue to develop our cutting-edge technologies to meet the expectations of world-leading companies. Our mission is to establish a platform that centers advanced technologies and gathers competent individuals to engage in innovation. i³-opera is an ecosystem leader in providing business opportunities in organic photonics and electronics worldwide.

    Prof. Chihaya Adachi

  • i³-opera is a research institute founded in cooperation with Kyushu University, Fukuoka Prefecture and Fukuoka City. Our strengths can ensure the best solutions for each customer:
    - We have a variety of equipment available to use, such as a high-performance vapor deposition system capable of combinatorial and multiple TEG fabrication combined with PE-CVD deposition continuously in vacuum.
    - Competent individuals with abundant knowledge of organic materials and vacuum equipment.
    - Accumulated know-how of organic device fabrication.
    - Credibility as a public institution operated by the local government.
    We will develop technologies further to shape the future of organic photonics and electronics.

    Hiroshi Fujimoto
    Vice Director
